企业等级: | 普通会员 |
经营模式: | 招商代理 |
所在地区: | 广东 东莞 |
联系卖家: | 蒋青 先生 |
手机号码: | 13922511243 |
公司官网: | |
公司地址: | 东莞市厚街镇港口大道宝屯段中安电商园 |
The machines fully conform with the CE standards and are distinguished for their safe operation, ergonomic design, high productivity,robustness and longevity. Bearing in mind a high service level and c***tant development we support our clients through a network of reliable representatives around the world. In this way we secure:
Instant service with low downtimeFull spare - parts support
Olympic is one of the leading companies in the field of shoe manufacturing equipment internationally and its targets are set high for the future.
楦模回转和升降机构:该机构由楦模、楦模回转座、上横梁、升降油缸、油缸横梁、楦模升降轴等组成。楦模通过调节架安装在回转座上,楦模在回转座上转动自动垂直定位,在油缸 , 的驱动下升降。楦模与底模和边模的准确位置由调节架调节,以形成硫化模具的型腔。
底模和开合机构:底模由底板、底模模心、边模组成,在油缸的推动下两个边模产生开动。当边模闭合后与底模模心形成鞋底的型腔。底液压模压机—边模油缸—上横梁—恒温控制器—楦模调节架—楦模—楦模回转座—底模和边模—换向阀控制手柄—升降油缸—楦模升降轴—油缸横梁板固定在机身上,其上为底模, 其下为电热板。当边模闭合后产生水平锁模力, 使边模与底模模心紧密配合,其锁模力不低于标准。